Jane Velez-Mitchell: A Poor Man's Nancy Grace

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I don't really enjoy Jane's show - she is even more shrieky and sensational than Nancy (I know it's hard to believe). She doesn't even do macabre, tacky montages of dead babies with creepy theme music by Michael Jackson. So why do I watch Jane's show? For one reason, of course...


What the fuck is going on there? And who on god's green earth told her that was a good look? The only person with a worse mullet than Jane was:

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But even Phil Spector has moved on to a more respectable coif, thanks to the fact that they don't allow rugs in prison:

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Maybe Jane murdered one of the babies that Nancy features on her show, and then she too can be liberated from her tragic mullet.


babyfishmouth said on June 21, 2009 at 8:16 AM

JVM is more of the "DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!!" kind of sensationalism than Nancy Grace. Nancy is the kind of shrieking sensationalist who will express totally absurd ideas. JVM doesn't muster up all that phony outrage like Nancy does (although I do love when she interjects - at the slightest mention of drug or alcohol addiction - the exact number of days she's been sober).

She does have creepy guests, though. That stupid Dr. Judy and Curtis Sliwa. Blech!

kc said on June 21, 2009 at 10:13 AM

You're right, every episode I've ever seen she mentions how many days she's been sober. Has she ever shown one of her AA chips on air? I'd definitely tune for that.

Dr. Judy. LOL.

PinkLucy said on June 22, 2009 at 2:26 PM

How can I take her seriously with that hairstyle? She looks seriously fake and photoshopped.

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